All The Aces Daily Poker Column

Trustworthy Poker Sites and the Fabulous Flop

Where can you safely play online poker
and enjoy the thrill of the flop?

TRUSTWORTHY SITES: Despite the massive increase in the popularity of online poker there is still one main hurdle which holds a lot of people back from risking their money. Can they trust the honesty and integrity and security of a casino or poker site? Well, there are certain tests you can easily apply which will rid you of your worries.

Is the site I am about to use a well known, big name brand? Have I seen its adverts everywhere? Is it associated with a large, established media group? If the answers to these sorts of questions are yes you can feel very secure about laying your money down. All of the big branded sites, including are own, are large, well financed and properly regulated businesses. They are subject to rigorous and unannounced checks for fairness and security of operation. The last thing any big business wants is a bad reputation. It’s probably the only thing they can’t afford so if you’ve heard of them and seen their ads here, there and everywhere, you’re as safe as any activity involving money can be. Credit card security on the big gaming sites is also second to none these days, as all of them are able to afford state of the art high-tech protection. The ingredient most likely to influence whether or not you lose money on a big name site is yourself, so do your homework, try our online tutorials at and start having some inter-active fun.

Trustworthy poker site

Nothing in poker is as exciting as the dropping of those three face-up community cards known as the flop. All at once the fate of your hand is cast in stone. The fact that it is exciting and all-important is exactly why you shouldn’t show any initial visual interest in at all.

In a recent column, we made the point that when your hole cards are dealt you shouldn’t bother looking at them. What’s important is that you study the immediate and instinctive reactions of your opposition. Well the same applies with bells on as far as the flop is concerned. A lot of players are wise to the “tell checking” they receive from opposing players when hole cards are dealt but because the flop is so much more immediate as the cards come down, a majority will still glance at them to speedily decide the shape of their potential hand. Don’t be one of them. Be intent on watching the reactions of the players opposing you. A quick glance at the flop by an adversary, followed by a glance at his chips, is likely a sign he’s made the hand he was looking for. A long look lasting more than a few seconds is more likely a piece of theatre to make you think the player concerned has nothing to threaten you. If a player glances quickly and then tries to adopt a posture of disinterest by looking away or fiddling, be very cautious. There’s plenty of time for you to note what the board has brought to your hand, once you’ve gathered your intel.

The fabulous flop!

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Q: I’ve just finished reading the legendary Doyle Brunson’s poker bible “Super System 2” and nowhere in its pages could I find an explanation for why the most famous poker player in the world is called the “Texas Dolly”? He looks all man and all cowboy to me.
A: Doyle is certainly all man. The “Dolly” tag was hung on him when several decades ago a reporter (out of earshot) misheard “Doyle” as “Dolly” when writing about the then “new poker hotshot”!
At least the reporter was right with his “poker hotshot” prediction.

Q: What are the odds of being dealt a pair as your hole cards?
Sixteen to one pre-flop and it’s perhaps worth noting that an unpaired hand will only flop a pair one time out of three. Good stats to keep in the forefront of your mind at the outset of all games.

Q: Are there casino games such as roulette and blackjack available on
Over eighty to be exact. Just hit the CASINO button when arriving on the poker site. Take note of our thoughts on the thrill of the spin on this page under the heading: Smart Roulette.

smart roulette systems

The only smart roulette players we’ve ever met use the parlay system. The parlay revolves around the idea of increasing your stake each time you win so that you are effectively gambling with the casino’s money and not your own. Obviously this sounds like gaming heaven or cloud cuckoo land. If you stick to the system with real discipline it’s the former and not the latter. Roulette, the classic game of pure chance, does appear to be influenced by this system which is why professional gamblers tend to employ it. Here’s an example of how it might work for you. You bet $10 on the black and you lose. You repeat the same $10 bet second time around. This is the opposite tactic to the “doubling” system which some players prefer.

winner's roulette system

When you parlay you don’t increase your stake until you win. Every time you win you increase your bet by one chip and with each loss you reduce by one chip, unless you are at your starting bet level. In our example above that would be the $10 level. You keep employing this tactic until you are nicely ahead. It’s very important to note (rather obviously) that the parlay should only be used for even chance bets. Red-black, odds-evens, high-low etc. If you embark on this war against the roulette wheel using the parlay make sure you are well funded in relation to your base bet. If your base bet is $5 you should ideally have $500 to back up your strategy. The reason we like the parlay over doubling is not because doubling hasn’t made some professional gamblers very rich, it’s simply that the downside after a run of good fortune can be more dramatic with the latter. Either system has its fans and a lot depends on your temperament. If you’re feeling cool and clinical, give parlay a chance and maybe it’ll be a “chance” with an edge.

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Trustworthy poker sites - Poker Column - Sunday October 9th 2005

ALL THE ACES poker column:
Sunday, October 09, 2005: 
Trustworthy poker sites, and the fabulous Flop