All The Aces Daily Poker Column


Improve your game with Speed Poker and Rushing Roulette!

You will start winning REAL $$$ in minutes!

Anyone who has watched any of the World Series of Poker events will note that endurance plays a large part in eventual success. If you don't have the constitution to survive an eight hour game you can forget multi-million dollar jackpots. Well, not content with teaching us how to play cricket, or how to win the World Series of Poker 2005, the Australians have now come up with a way of improving our favourite card game in the shape of Keith Sloane.


Those of us who aren't getting any younger can actually imagine dying during a championship game, but Mr Sloane's Speed Poker may yet be the answer ... if it can overcome the purists. By installing two dealers to ensure shuffled ready-to-go cards and putting a clock on all players with a twenty second set limit for action, Keith's strategy seems to work a treat. Faster action, more pots to be won in the same time and a more exciting spectacle for the (these days all important) TV cameras.

Of course, online poker had that problem cracked ages ago as players who have been timed out and had perfectly good hands auto-folded in front of them can testify. It only happens to you once and you quickly get in the groove and make your plays in a timely fashion. Everyone's happy and the game glides along as smooth as silk. How long can it be before the Aussies invent speed lager?

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Those of you wanting to grab a few mad moments of online roulette may be interested in the following account from a reader (Jurgen H from Manchester) who likes to play offline at least once a month, justto keep an old skill alive. Apparently, Jurgen used to live in Monaco, and spent