All The Aces Daily Poker Column

Poker Basics Continued...

Questions and answers to help get you started playing online poker

Experienced players among you can look forward to some wisdom from the likes of World Series Winners Doyle Brunson and Lyle Berman in future columns but meanwhile let's continue with the poker basics...

Q - Do I have to download any special software before I can start playing?

On most major sites, the client program is very small and provides a secure connection to the server where all the action takes place. Most major sites have a similar system.

By dealing through secure servers all your account and credit card details are protected. Most software is Windows only with just a few sites supporting Macs.

Q - Do free-roll play money accounts give me a real feel for poker?

They are a way for you to check out the site to see if it suits you but generally the type of play experienced is not an indication of how players react when real money is involved. Real money brings out the true characteristics of a player and raises the excitement level along with the stakes.

Q - What are the advantages of online poker against real poker?

The most obvious is there's always a game. Organising a real game is a social event that requires planning. Online is instantly available the moment you feel like it, even if it's the middle of the night, and there's no requirement to get dressed!

Other advantages include being able to play more than one game at once. The rakes are less and you don't have to tip the dealer. Where else would you get tournaments on demand? It's more comfortable and you don't have to breathe cigar smoke unless it's you