All The Aces Daily Poker Column

Poker Celebs

Celebrity poker players
- the latest celebs to show their hand!

Carmen Electra and star of Desperate Housewives, James Denton, are both keen poker players, along with Jon Bon Jovi, the delicious Tracy Bingham and Paula Abdul. All of the above stars were in evidence at the 2005 Music Awards being wooed with lavish gifts by CelebPoker. It´s always an insight to hear famous celebs talking about their poker stories as they tend to have the funds to get seriously involved at the high stakes end of the game. We're sworn to secrecy but suffice it to say that a baby faced actor who nearly drowned on an extremely large ship calmly took down $50,000 in a showdown with a craggy faced Icon normally inclined to despatch opponents with a 357 magnum.

celebpoker's poker celebs - carmen electra and james denton

Creating a “buzz” in the exploding poker industry is an increasingly difficult thing to achieve but CelebPoker seem to have managed it by making their site the first choice for the Hollywood elite. The celebs provide a big draw for poker players from all over. After all, there´s nothing quite like starting your next poker conversation with the line,“I was head-ups with Carmen Electra last night!”

A final observation on the celebrity poker player front: Anyone sitting through American Idol last year would´ve been hard pushed to “tell” if Paula Abdul loved or loathed co-host Simon Cowell, and vice versa. A perfect demonstration of an experienced and beautiful celeb poker player using her deception skills in public.

Traci Bingham - poker celeb

New players tend  to think being concerned about the odds of certain hands being successful or not is too complex an issue. Not so. It isn´t necessary to do difficult sums in your head whilst in the middle of a game. There are just a few basic probabilities that you can learn and keep in mind (or in notes) all the time you´re online. For example if you know that the chance of being dealt two aces as your hole cards is two hundred and twenty to one you´ll truly know how valuable they are if you land them and are considering the size of the bet you´re going to make pre-flop. Similarly, if you remember the chances of receiving ace-king of the same suit are three hundred and thirty to one, you´ll know fate is smiling in your direction with freshly bleached teeth.

Q: What does the term inside-straight mean?

A:  Let´s say you have a 9-10 as hole cards and the flop comes Queen-King-2. You will need a Jack at the turn or by the river to complete your potential 9-10-J-Q-K straight. So your situation prior to the turn and the river is that you´re holding an inside- straight.

ALL THE ACES poker column:
Sunday, October 02, 2005: Part 2:
CelebPoker's poker celebs